Your Spray Foam Roof Still Needs Maintenance during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Happy New Year! 2020 is now behind us and what a year it was! Ringing in the new year does not mean we’ve left the pandemic in the dust. We do, however, believe we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with vaccinations being administered across the country. We sincerely hope all of our readers and clients are keeping safe and healthy.

Foam Roof Maintenance

Social distancing requirements and lockdowns don’t stop the elements and shifting structures from causing wear on the roof of your commercial building. Changes in weather and settling soil affect your building’s structure even when no one is around. Regular foam roof inspections and maintenance are just as important today as they ever have been.

Regular Foam Roof Inspections

commercial roof maintenance, commercial roof inspectionYour foam roof needs to be inspected at least twice per year to keep a close eye on things that may happen over time. You can perform the inspections yourself or you can schedule an appointment with one of our amazing roofing contractors. Our contractors do, of course, practice social distancing guidelines and wear a mask when appropriate.


What You Need to Inspect Your Roof

A semi-annual inspection schedule will allow you to become familiar with the layout of your roof and make it easier to notice any changes that may become problems. You will need to be able to take notes during the inspection.

We recommend that you take a pen and paper or even draw a rough diagram of your roof while performing the inspection. This way you can make precise notes if you see something amiss. Feel free to use your phone’s camera to capture shots of potential problems so you can reference the photos when you call us for additional help.

Foam Roof Checklist

Overall Appearance: Make note of any issues like standing water, cracks, or other things that look like they could become problems later.
Guttering: Make sure the seal between the guttering and the roof is still intact.
Flashing, Edges, and Joints: Check all flashings, edges, and control joints and make note of any cracks or separations.

Foam Roof Maintenance and Small Repairs

One of the great things about foam roofing is that you can make small repairs as needed – without our help! Okay, it’s not quite that simple, but very small holes and damage can be cut away, caulked, and sealed with a top coat. But please do call us to discuss the issue, location of the damage, and other details before attempting a repair on your own.
Contact Us for Help with Your Foam Roof
conklin roofing contractor, commercial roofing contractorOur contractors at White Roofing Systems are readily available to discuss a new foam roof installation, maintenance, or repair at any time. Give us a call to make an appointment to talk about how we can help you with your commercial roofing needs.

White Roofing Systems

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