What Are the Best Commercial Roof Coatings?

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Commercial Roof Coatings

Your roof, like everything, has an expiration date. The good news is that you can delay that by applying a fresh new roof coating. Roof coatings are thick membranes that protect and extend the roof’s lifespan. They are easy to install and offer many benefits. If you want to know more, keep on reading.

Why Should You Use Roof Coatings?

Now that you have a general idea what roof coatings are, you may be wondering why you should use them.

Roof coatings are designed to protect your roof and extend its life. Different types of coatings protect your roof from damaging weather conditions and UV light. Some of them can help with waterproofing, too. They also help to reduce the expansion and contraction of the roof membrane, resulting in fewer leaks seeping through your roof.

If they are reflective, roof coatings can even reduce your building’s cooling costs. Some coatings are able to reflect up to 85% of all UV rays and the sun’s heat off of your roof.

High-quality roof coatings, like the ones from Conklin Roofing Systems, can last up to 20 years. It is much easier to update or restore a roof coating than to repair or even replace the roof completely.

How to Choose the Best Roof Coating for Your Commercial Building?

When choosing the right roof coating for your commercial roof, think beyond the look. Yes, you want your building to look good. But with the right coating, your roof will be more resistant, last longer, and save you money in the long run.

The most common roof coatings types are acrylic, asphalt, polyurethane, and silicone. We will explain the main benefits of each one, so you can choose what’s best for your roof.


Acrylic coatings are water-based. They are affordable and easy to apply. These water-based coatings are suitable for the sunniest areas since they offer good UV resistance. On the other hand, these are not the best option for areas with extreme weather conditions.


Asphalt coatings combine the elasticity of rubber with the resistant characteristics of asphalt. These can be applied in cold and harsh weather. Asphalt coatings are durable, being both water- and weather-resistant. However, they are less environmentally friendly, and don’t offer as much UV resistance as other types.


These coatings are known as one of the most durable roof coatings. If you have a roof that gets lots of foot traffic, this one’s for you. Polyurethane coatings successfully resist UV and bad weather impacts. They can withstand the contraction and expansion of the roofing system, too. As a con, they are more difficult to apply, and they don’t handle ponding water well.


Silicone roof coatings have their own pros and cons, just as their counterparts. They are pretty resistant to UV, reflecting up to 90% of its rays! These coatings are durable, flexible, and can withstand ponding water without breaking down. All these benefits do mean that they are more expensive compared to the other roof coatings, though.

Contact Us Today!

Now you know which benefits you can expect from all of these different roof coatings. Not only can they freshen up your building’s look, but they can also help you save energy and money in the long run. If you still need help with choosing the right one, or you need a professional to install one for you, then we are here to help!

With years of experience and first-rate reviews backing us up, White Roofing Systems should be the first number you call. Give us a ring and let’s plan your first free consultation with us right away!

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